Sexual harassment is never okay. We condemn unacceptable behaviour, including all forms of harassment under the Equality Act 2010 and criminal law.  
Sexual harassment
See here for more information about sexual harassment.
Sexual assault 
See here for more information about sexual assault.


What can you do? 

Be there for them – Be a friend. People who experience sexual harassment or assault can feel isolated, unsafe and find it hard to trust. Being there for them is the best way to show solidarity.  

Attend training – The Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service offers Domestic Abuse Awareness training to staff the university.  

Be an ally or a bystander – If sexual harassment or assault is happening to someone you know while you are present, you can assess whether it is safe for you to intervene or not, before deciding whether to get involved. 

If safe to do so, it is normally less risky to approach the person you are concerned about / who is being targeted to see if they are ok. This can show solidarity and diffuse the situation, without directly communicating with the person responsible for the harassing behaviour, and risking aggravating the situation. 

Seek support - If someone you know has been affected, you can encourage them to seek support, or make support options known to them so they can decide whether to engage or not. Don’t put any pressure on them to get help before they are ready, and never refer them to a service or act on their behalf without their consent to do so, as this can reinforce the helplessness and/or powerlessness they may feel as a result of what happened. 

Find out more: 
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) provides further information on unlawful harassment.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened